Sunday, January 8, 2012


As Christmas was on Sunday we decided to celebrate a day early. So on Friday night we celebrated Christmas eve. Traditonally we read the Christmas story out of Luke in the Bible, but since the kids are so young we opted for the nativity movie the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints put out a few years ago. I like the simplicity of it. Then we opened a present and listened to the Tabernacle Choir sing. It was a nice night. Saturday morning was fun, we had to convince Lizzy that Santa had really come and she was sad she missed him. She woke up the Grandparents and we all went downstairs to see the tree.
From 2011-12-24 Christmas
It was so classic. Charles was not ready to get up!
From 2011-12-24 Christmas
Lizzy and Charles had a great time opening gifts. It was great. Later on Jessica and the gang came over to help us celebrate:
From 2011-12-26 Christmas
Good times, good times.

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