Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Traditions

From 2011-12-08 Tree trimming
Here is Charles helping us get into the Christmas spirit! We trimmed the tree together. Then we took a candle light tour of the historic Fort Steilcoom. It was so fun, like we were guests of the Ghost of Christmas Past. The girls really enjoyed the dancing:
From 2011-12-11 Ft. Stilicum candle light tour
I really enjoyed hearing the musicians outside. They let us play the Jaw bone.
From 2011-12-11 Ft. Stilicum candle light tour
It was really quite magical. Next Charly helped us get into the Christmas Mood by Singing at the Seattle Center Winterfest. We had fun riding the ferry and listing to the schools perform. Charly did a wonderful job!
From 2011-12-14 Charly's concert
Every year the Seattle Center sets up a miniature train. Lizzy even got to be a guest conductor!
From 2011-12-14 Charly's concert
Lizzy go to be an Angel in the primary "Picture a Christmas" program. She was so excited!
From 2011-12-16 tward party
Unfortunately she was in the very back so we couldn't see her. Here we all are!
From 2011-12-16 tward party
Then we went to the Clear Creek Nursery to see some real reindeer and a camel! Not only that, but inside they make it snow! Lizzy loved it!
From 2011-12-18 Saturday Fun
And finally our last Christmas stop was Poulsbo! A quaint little Norwegian town. They had Father Christmas and  horse drawn carriage rides.
From 2011-12-18 Saturday Fun
We finished by taking in the lights at the Harborside park.

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