Sunday, October 23, 2011

Steaming: It all started with a skirt

Daniel and I have been interested in the Steam punk genre for a while now. While we were still in St. Louis it came to our attention that Seattle hosts the worlds biggest Steam punk Convention SteamconIII! And it was in October just after we moved back to Bremerton! Kismet! So when Amanda Myler gave me a bag of random sewing things along with a green skirt originally given to her from Sue Hodgeston I took one look and knew I had the makings of a great steam punk outfit.
 Daniel's outfit was fairly easy, He wanted to wear Knickers so I found a great video on how to modify pants. Sew easy! Here's how they turned out:
Then Daniel got to work making goggles out of leather. They were so cool. Here is the pair he made for Lizzy:
Ours were similar. I stamped flowers onto mine and had Daniel add ribbon and a different nose piece. Daniel made a leather octopus to put on his. The theme this year was 20,000 leagues under the sea.
  Then I got to work on my outfit. I found a pattern at Joann's that I liked and went for it full steam ahead. After I made the corset (which was a bit of a challenge) I focused on the spats and hat. I found a wonderful video on how to make spats and used some fun techniques to make my hat. Then I visited Micheals for a little inspiration and came home with a fun cameo that I turned into a broach and some vintage keys.
 Daniel made a cuff and arm band for his costume and I had my brother Steam out my guns. They are awesome! Here's a few pics of the various accouterments:
Then I got to work on my jacket. After a small miscalculation it turned out great and I was ready for the ball!
From 2011-10-16 Steamcon3
It was an awesome night. The minute we stepped onto the lobby floor the air was electric. I have never seen so many Steam punked people in my life and I loved it! I started taking pictures right a way. This was the third year of Steamcon so most of the attendees had been before. We just soaked it all in. There were workshops and music and so so much eye candy. We toured the emporium and the art gallery. We learned about making props and weapons from the gentleman who made Castle's arm for him:
From Aug
 That was pretty cool! Then we searched and searched for a place to eat dinner. Not finding anything we settled on Daniel's Broiler up on the 21st. floor. The dining area was full, so we took a cosy table in the corner with a great view. We didn't think to ask for real menus so we ordered some appitizers and dessert. It was all wonderful, but the scallopes took over 20 minutes to get to us. We watched the sun set and talked. Then after a quick pit stop at the car to drop of a few things we headed up to Captan Nemo's ball. It was an hour of social dancing. We danced the star trek which was great fun and the waltz. Then we decided it was enough and headed home. It was wonderful night.

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