Monday, July 11, 2011

Wild Things

Last week my friend Elizabeth invited us over for an animal party. I was excited and asked Lizzy what animal she wanted to be. She said a spider, but later changed that to a sheep. OK I think I can manage that. So I break out the hot glue gun and cotton balls. This outfit will be epic! I get to gluing and Lizzy starts out by handing me the cotton balls. Then she hides them, next she starts throwing them like snowballs all the while yelling, "Snow, snow!" Eventually I am able to locate them all when I realize I don't have enough! What to do? So I frantically search the house for white fluffy wool like material. I find some batting and get back to gluing. At last it is finished and looking a bit wonky, but it's too late to start over. Note to self: Just use Batting to begin with, it's easier and faster then cotton balls. Anyway, so we arrive and Lizzy is the only one with a costume. Oh well. So much for my frantic morning. We made masks and danced around and then had a snack of bananas and animal crackers while Grace performed a puppet show. We all had a good time.
From 2011-07-02 Animal Party
And here is the whole enchilada:
From 2011-07-02 Animal Party
On another note, Lizzy is my little Sous-chef. She has been helping herself to the unfinished products for years now. It baffles me how she can eat flour and salt plain, but I digress. Anyway so while shopping at Michael's the other day I found a Chef hat and just had to buy it. Now that I've tried it on, I'm going back for my own. It is so fun. Unfortunately, after decorating it, she didn't want to wear it so here is Charles modeling it.
From 2011-07-02 Animal Party
Adorable right? I love it! We also got to meet Cara Bartholomew for the first time. Janet and Cara braved the 9 and 1/2 hours to come down for a visit and we met up with them at Denise and Jason's home. We had a scrumptious meal and got reacquainted. Cara is a dear. We had Baby Wars:
From 2011-07-02 Animal Party
Cara won. She's a contender:
From 2011-07-02 Animal Party

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