Monday, October 25, 2010

All wet

Lizzy and I love foot soaks, but we don't do them too often. Perhaps this is why we find them so enjoyable, because they are a special treat. Yesterday while we were waiting at the church building, we sat under the picture of Christ washing his disciple's feet. I was telling Lizzy about the picture when she asked if she could wash her feet too. I said, "Sure, tomorrow." Well, here is the messy result:

In addition we are having our traditional Pumpkin dinner today and Lizzy helped me clean out the pumpkin. As you can see it is serious business! For those who are interested, here is the recipe:

Pumpkin dinner

1 sugar pie pumpkin, cleaned and seeded.

½ Lbs hamburger

1 can cream of mushroom soup

Large scoop of sour cream

1 cup cooked rice

Salt and pepper to taste.

Brown the hamburger and drain off fat. Add the cream of mushroom soup and sour cream. Add milk if it seems too thick. Mix in the cooked rice. Stuff the pumpkin and bake at 350 for an hour or until a fork goes into the shell smoothly.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Lizzy has learned how to make a pig sound. I am proud of her, having never been able to do so myself. I think you will enjoy this:
From pig noise

Pumpkin Carving

For family home evening we carved our pumpkin. Daniel asked Lizzy for her opinion on the design: she wanted three eyes and a big smile. I think it turned out fine. She loved when we lit the candle inside. While cleaning the pumpkin Lizzy kept flinging the pumpkin guts around. Poor Daniel. Luckily most of it stayed on her hands. ;)

Fall Festival

Our ward had a fall festival last Saturday. Daniel didn't get off work till 7pm so I took Lizzy to the festival, but had to leave right away to pick up Daniel. Luckily Sister Hanson was willing to watch Lizzy so she could play. I picked up Daniel and then went back to the church. They were just getting the kids ready to trick or treat as we arrived. So I took Lizzy around. The halls were very dark and Lizzy was scared of a few rooms. Sister Jordan had gone all out. She had made cookies, punch and mini cupcakes. Along with candy and toys. Wow! It was fun. Lizzy is supposed to be Poison Ivy, but most people thought she was a tree. Oh well, nature themed I guess.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

I love fall! Every year we go to a pumpkin patch; this year we went with the Link group to Theis Farm. They have lots of activities for kids. We went on a hayless ride and Lizzy loved the slides. I got to see okra growing. The flowers are beautiful. There were animals and mazes. Lizzy and I enjoyed the corn maze. The hay bale mazes were very tight and dark. Lizzy didn't go into them much, for which I am glad. I don't think I could have followed her in. We had a lot of fun and I bought some produce there. The honey crisp apples were from Washington! So much for farm fresh. They were tasty though. A taste of home.

Kansas City Ren Fest

We went to Olathe to stay with my In-laws for the weekend and to go to the Renaissance festival there. This was our second year and it was much better weather this year. Since Stephen is in Utah this time we invited Tony and Susan to join us. It was a lot of fun. The joust was much better this year too. We routed for the bad guy: Judas the unforgiven. He won the joust. Yea for our side! Lizzy and I got to be in the children's parade. She made a crown and a wand. After making the wand there was a wizard there to make sure your wand worked. He would have the kids wave their wands and make things disappear. It was cute. I had made a doublet for Daniel and a Pregnancy dress for me since my other costumes would not fit. Daniel's doublet turned out great, but I wish I had put more red in the front of mine, I was very white. Alas. Well, next time I will know what I am doing. It was a fun weekend.
From KC Ren Fest

Here is Lizzy trying on Daddy's doublet:
From doublet


Lizzy has enjoyed having friends over that are her age. Nathan Purdy and Jared Carter have both come over recently. It's been fun.
From 2010-09-29 Lizzy and Jarod
Jared is allergic to wheat and I thought we were doing fine when I noticed that he was scratching at his neck. I hoped it was just irritation due to the rice and corn, but a little while later I could see hives forming. I quickly woke up Daniel and had him watch the kids while I ran to the store to get some benadryl. I consulted the Pharmacist on how much to administer to a 2 year old and then rushed home. I gave him half a dose and sent Daniel back to bed.(he was working nights) Not ten minutes later his Mom showed up. I think I was much more scared then she was. His hives were due to the Play dough we had used earlier. I had no idea there was flour in Play dough. Now I know.

Nathan and Lizzy "helped" me make Halloween cookies and decorate the house. They had fun, but didn't understand the whole concept of one cut out equals one cookie. I tried to get them out before they pressed more cookie cutters over and over again on a single spot. In the end I just let them play and then I cut out the cookies to bake. We made a fort too.
From fort
From fort

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...