Monday, October 11, 2010

Kansas City Ren Fest

We went to Olathe to stay with my In-laws for the weekend and to go to the Renaissance festival there. This was our second year and it was much better weather this year. Since Stephen is in Utah this time we invited Tony and Susan to join us. It was a lot of fun. The joust was much better this year too. We routed for the bad guy: Judas the unforgiven. He won the joust. Yea for our side! Lizzy and I got to be in the children's parade. She made a crown and a wand. After making the wand there was a wizard there to make sure your wand worked. He would have the kids wave their wands and make things disappear. It was cute. I had made a doublet for Daniel and a Pregnancy dress for me since my other costumes would not fit. Daniel's doublet turned out great, but I wish I had put more red in the front of mine, I was very white. Alas. Well, next time I will know what I am doing. It was a fun weekend.
From KC Ren Fest

Here is Lizzy trying on Daddy's doublet:
From doublet

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