Sunday, March 7, 2010

New addiction

So our lap top finally bit the dust. Sad day at the Bartholomews. Sniff. Daniel went a head and ordered a new computer and we decided on a desktop this time. It arrived this week and I am proud to say I got it all hooked up and running. Daniel had to install a few things and get the Internet working and we are cutting edge again.
Now I am figuring out all the new things our computer can do. It came with a remote and that is loads of fun to play with. I am in shock. A remote for my computer. I never would have dreamed it. Not only does this new fangled contraption have more bells and whistles then I ever thought possible, (yes folks I am not a computer wiz at all) but it also comes with an impressive array of games. My new favorite is called Mahjong Titans. it is kind of like a Chinese version of spider solitaire. I love it! So long slow, dying laptop! Hello Titans!

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