So we are trucking along and then Tuesday, BAM, Lizzy does the exact same incident again. Spin...mouth meets bed...Bloody mess only this time she has knocked her front tooth down a bit and ripped up the gums. I called Daniel in a panic, he was on his way home, but that was fruitless. I gave her another frozen gogurt and she calms down and goes to sleep. Whew. Needless to say I a total wreck. Daniel comes home only long enough to say Hi and ask if I need him to stay. Since it is Tuesday he has Young Mens to go to. Lizzy is still sleeping so I told him to go ahead and go.
On Wednesday we took Lizzy to the dentist. She cried her way through an xray. Not a great picture, but no one wanted to do that to her again. Basically Dr. Boain told us to just watch it and if it worsens to come back in a weeks time. Since then Lizzy has learned to eat without the use of her front teeth. She will eat anything left out. Especially the Andes mints I put on the table! But I can't really blame her.
Then this Sunday Daniel lost his wallet. He drove to work anyway hoping it was in his uniform at work. It was in his locker. Yea. Luckily there were no more bloody Sundays thus far. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Here are two pic of Lizzy's teeth.
notice the bloody shirt, I thought it was a nice touch.