Thursday, October 3, 2024

Meet My Micro Manager

This morning I asked Teddy how he was doing. He was playing with Lego and watching Blippi. He told me I needed to go upstairs and make cookies. I never need an excuse to make cookies, so off I went. Uninterrupted baking time? Yes, please! As I was pulling the first batch out of the oven Teddy came upstairs. He asked what I was doing and my response that I was making cookies was returned with, “Good.” He then decided to observe and “help.” He pulled a chair up to the counter and proceeded to taste the dough and fill the cookie scoop. I reminded him that we needed to wait to put the dough on the tray as it was quite hot. He chided me, “I know That.”

              He continued to remark on my progress and then told me I was doing a good job. Thanks, buddy. He was content to do quality control while I cleaned up. He then took his cookie to his office, (aka downstairs) I guess I’m on break now.

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