Monday, September 2, 2024

Girls Day

 Denise, Molly, and Grace were free for the day so they came out to play. Heather joined Lizzy, Emily, and I as we set out to Cardboard Cafe for some fun! Their menu is waffles. Lizzy got a key lime pie wafftle.

    Emily made a custom one with Nutella and ice cream and a side of bacon. I had their pulled pork waffle. Molly and Denise had the taco waffle. They were delicious. Lizzy's got soggy though so she didn't finish her's. Grace declared she could eat it along with her waffle, but in the end it was too much for her.

We played 2 games: Coup, and King of Tokyo. I really liked the second one.

    After eating and playing we pursued their store and I got Lizzy some D&D dice. She's been playing for a bit now with some church friends. I figured it was time for her own dice. Then we headed to a Lego store next door to make some minifigs.

This caught my eye: this is a scene from one of my favorite books: Dragon's of Spring Dawning.

    It's so detailed, I admit to tearing up a bit seeing it in glorious Lego form. We headed home for a quick spa session and played more games. I made dinner and we chatted and had a great time. The Blacks had to go, but I convinced Heather to stay for ice cream. It was a great day!

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