Tuesday, June 18, 2024

It's Gonna Be May

 May is by far the busiest month for us. It always starts with a bang with back-to-back celebrations. May the Fourth, which was on Free Comic Book Day this year. Followed closely by Cinco de Mayo, we don't celebrate Revenge of the Sixth, but you could. I won't judge you. This year we also had several end-of-year celebrations including skating at Rink Ratz. 

We really appreciated the helper rollers. My kids have not had much exposure to roller skating. They had a blast though! For the fourth, I attempted Rey's hair. I'm not sure it succeeded, but at least I tried. 

  Henry made a green lightsaber! We had chicken kababs for dinner. Our Sarlacc cake was a hit as ever. I love that this holiday is so easy. Just dress up and eat cake. You can't get much better than that!

    For Cinco de Mayo we had Lizzy's friend come over and had our pinata and enchiladas. I found these adorable tiny sombreros for everyone to wear.

Teddy had some fun.

Charles had his last concert of the year. His band is so good!

He almost disappears he's so short.

    Grandpa came to watch him perform and I snapped this pic as we were leaving. It is so sweet seeing the kids with him. We are so lucky to have him close. 

The next night was Devon's circus skills event. He had been in the club for several months and this was the final show. It was amazing! Crazy, chaotic, and yet somehow still organized. It was a spectacle.

Devon was the fastest on the unicycle. 

I am so proud of Devon for working so hard to master these skills.

Henry got to have a police officer come to his class.

    We went to World's of Fun and have since returned many times. We have learned that Devon is not a big fan of rollercoasters, while Teddy, Charles, and Henry really like them.  

We have been the designated driver for a few of the priests in the ward. 
Here's proof I am alive:

More to come...

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