Wednesday, May 1, 2024

April Shenanigans

 Teddy keeps life interesting. He loves posing and asks for his picture all the time.


Lizzy decorated a cake at Young Womens.

Meanwhile, I helped the Activity girls do some fun science experiences.  

Henry wanted his picture taken, he posed exactly for it and Teddy kept photobombing him. He was not pleased.

Teddy was thrilled of course. Here he is posing with Emily's new church bag I sewed for her. 

This next one was all Teddy's idea.

Charles had a trombone duet test and here they are practicing. 

Several of the FoE's were preparing for various activities that needed sewing. So we held a virtual sewing party. I had a chimesette and ball gown to sew for a Jane Austen ball at the end of the month.  

    I finished the dress just in time to get ready for the ball. I was so proud because both garments were stash busters. I only had to buy some ribbon to finish the edging, but the rest of it was material I already had on hand.  

It was a wonderful evening. 

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