Wednesday, April 3, 2024

March Madness

 March was intense for us. Every day seemed busy. I had breakfast at the school with the kids.

   They enjoyed showing off their skills! It was fun watching them play. Next, I was asked to help our Young Women group and their fathers learn to dance. I made a backdrop in like 5 min. I taught four dances: The Electric slide, a classic country line dance, some basic swing steps and then a contra dance called Raindrops. The dances got progressively harder, but they were game. It was fun. I got to dance a little with Daniel too.

   Speaking of dancing, Daniel found a local-ish contra dance club so we went and had a great time even though I wasn't feeling so great. I ended up sitting out the final 2 dances. I am excited to go back though. Lizzy went to a dance with the youth and made a new friend.

  We went to celebrate Lizzy's accomplishments in wrestling. She and Aubry decided to dress alike and Emily joined in. The kids liked the candy and cake provided but squirmed during the ceremony. 

Josh had a choir concert at the same time, but he made it at the end to pick up his award.

   The kids went to the park down the road a few times, and someone always comes back injured. Usually scrapes or bruises, but Henry had to excel. He ran into a rope. Lizzy tore her toenail, Devon scraped his knee, and left a blood trail leading home. It's always an adventure.

   I went with the youth to do temple baptisms. It was nice to see my kids in the temple. It was my first time in the baptistery. We came out to a thunderstorm. It was hailing when we got to the park-in-ride. I drove my kids and the entire priest quorum. They were so funny. 

We got the whole family involved in Charles's homework. It was about trying different medicines to cure malaria. It was hard to get an acceptable solution. 

      Pi Day! This year we went with the favorites, but I did both the banana cream and chocolate in mini form to make it easier. I did pecan, apple turnover, and grasshopper pies. For our savories, I made tomato pie and pizza pies.

    The fun stopped for me when on the 16th Lizzy was driving me to the library after I dropped Emily off at a birthday party. Emily and Henry had 2 birthdays this month. She was doing great, but as we were coming up to the library and she was going to miss the turn, it is hard to see from either direction, so I exclaimed that she was missing it, she turned hard and slammed the brakes, but she didn't turn the wheel, so we t-boned a parked car. It wasn't horrible as first crashes go, but I ended up with a cracked sternum. So I have been taking it easy a bit. Trying to not hurt so much. Lizzy is fine. She mostly blamed my car, she had done most of her driving in Daniel's car which is very different, she is still eager to drive. I called 911 and they sent everyone. I ended up just going to the urgent care and getting checked out. Luckily Daniel was home so he took Lizzy to pick up Emily. It was a long day and I'm learning just how essential a sternum really is. 

     The poor lady who owes the car was so understanding. Her husband came and he missed the entrance too! The police officer ticketed Lizzy so she has to go to court. I was surprised by that, but we'll see how it goes. Since this was the day before St. Patrick's Day, and Daniel had to work, I couldn't drive to church so we stayed home. I told the Primary President that I was not going to be there and then I got a call from the Bishop, and a text from my ministering sister. I have never had that much contact after a crisis from a ward before. That was nice. I had made ties for the boys. I made Daniel a real bowtie.

    I was working on a green dress for myself but didn't finish for Sunday. I wore it the next Sunday though! I didn't get a pic. I'll have to do that! The boys liked finding green things. I did manage to make the corned beef and had Lizzy make the soda bread.

    We celebrated Papa's birthday with the sister missionaries. Teddy sat at the head of the table, picked up his cutlery, and politely asked the sister closest to him, "How was your day?" like he had been entertaining for years and mastered the art of small talk. It was adorable and hilarious and he was by far the best-mannered of my children that night!

The kids got peeps to take care of over the Easter break. Emily made her's an apartment.

Emily got to go to the colonial gardens with her class.

We got the kid's Spring photos:

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