Monday, February 26, 2024

Districts and State

 Lizzy has been doing so well this year in wrestling. She took second at districts. 

We were so excited to watch Lizzy perform at State! It was held at Mizzu in Columbia, MO

Lizzy and Greg were our only competitors for state, which astounded me as they had over 70 wrestlers this year. As it was near enough we all went. I took the kids out of school and we drove to the Universary. 

Warm ups.

The line up.

It was awsome to have a few of the Blacks support her!

She lost her first match, won her second and lost her third which meant she was out, but it was exciting to watch. 

  We had dinner with the Blacks and the kids loved being able to run around after spending the day in their seats. It was nice to catch up too. Later we went to our hotel and it was under construction so that was interesting. I promised the kids we could swim there and that was the highlight for them. They had been telling evryone for the last week that they were going to a hotel with a pool! So after breakfast I took the kids to the pool. Charles was feeling awful the day before, he was fevering and I had to kick myself because when I was at the store on Thursday I bought some children's Motrin and had the thought that I should bring it on our trip. I, of course, dismissed this thought. Later when I was talking with Daniel he said that he thought that I had packed some, so clearly the Spirit was trying to help us, but we were not listening. We got him some medicine and he slept it off. He spent the morning in the hot tub and felt much better.
    We left right after getting cleaned up. I had promised Devon to get frozen custard when he had seen it at the arena, but I was not excited to pay those prices. So when after we settled in at home and got our chores finished we headed to Andy's.

It was an exciting weekend and we are so proud of all of Lizzy's hard work.

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