Sunday, January 21, 2024


     We finally got some real snow on the 9th. I had Lizzy shovel our neighbor's drive as well as ours for her workout. The snow is really fine and light like the fake snow they put in snowglobes. It's interesting.

    We got fridged temps! A few negative temps but it mostly hovered around 3 degrees. My parent flew in to celebrate the boy's ordinations. Devon to Deacon and Charles to Teacher. While they were here I put Dad to work. Devon and Mom bonded over crosstich. 

    Because of the cold Daniel had to work every day 6-6 so he contacted the Bishop to see if we could get the boys ordained at home. Turns out the church was canceled due to the cold! The Bishop said he would come over at 7. So after dinner, we all got dressed up and waited. Daniel got home and rushed to change and eat. And we waited. Teddy threw up 3 times and was just miserable, he and Henry played pirates.

Waiting some more...

Decided to take pictures while we waited.

Daniel texted the bishop and he had forgotten, so we waited a bit more and then it happened!

    Devon is still apprehensive about the whole thing, but I think he will enjoy it. They had a campout scheduled for that Friday and Sat, but the cold canceled that. He was relieved. It will take some adjusting for sure. He got to pass the sacrament today. I haven't had a chance to ask him about it yet, he's getting his temple recommend right now. We hope to take him twice this month. I'm so glad my parents were able to make the trip and that the cold didn't stop us!

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