Sunday, January 21, 2024

This and That

     On the 6th I was able to meet up with my LARP group and we did a Harry Potterish murder mystery! It was so fun to break out my wand and figure out who dunnit!

Henry made a body guard.

Charles is still tooting away!

And in slightly distressing news, our basement flooded due to a cracked pipe.

        Our landlord came over and sucked up a ton of water and we have had fans running nonstop for days. It is pretty dry now, but we are keeping the fans on until Tuesday just in case. The fun never ends here.


     We finally got some real snow on the 9th. I had Lizzy shovel our neighbor's drive as well as ours for her workout. The snow is really fine and light like the fake snow they put in snowglobes. It's interesting.

    We got fridged temps! A few negative temps but it mostly hovered around 3 degrees. My parent flew in to celebrate the boy's ordinations. Devon to Deacon and Charles to Teacher. While they were here I put Dad to work. Devon and Mom bonded over crosstich. 

    Because of the cold Daniel had to work every day 6-6 so he contacted the Bishop to see if we could get the boys ordained at home. Turns out the church was canceled due to the cold! The Bishop said he would come over at 7. So after dinner, we all got dressed up and waited. Daniel got home and rushed to change and eat. And we waited. Teddy threw up 3 times and was just miserable, he and Henry played pirates.

Waiting some more...

Decided to take pictures while we waited.

Daniel texted the bishop and he had forgotten, so we waited a bit more and then it happened!

    Devon is still apprehensive about the whole thing, but I think he will enjoy it. They had a campout scheduled for that Friday and Sat, but the cold canceled that. He was relieved. It will take some adjusting for sure. He got to pass the sacrament today. I haven't had a chance to ask him about it yet, he's getting his temple recommend right now. We hope to take him twice this month. I'm so glad my parents were able to make the trip and that the cold didn't stop us!

Wrestling Update

        Daniel and I tried a Thai place on our way to watch Lizzy wrestle. It was pretty good, but our server was new and barely spoke English so she made a few mistakes. It was fine though.

Here's Lizzy and Aubry getting ready for duels.

    We took the whole family to watch the home match, during one match Henry leaned over and said, "I want to do that someday." I told him he was welcome to. We'll see how he feels about it in a few years.

Practice round.

        Queen of the North tournament in Liberty. Daniel and I missed the first 2 matches because we went to the wrong school first. She lost one match but won the other 3 and took 3rd. place. 

    This is the match she lost, I was so upset, the ref wouldn't call the fouls or award Lizzy any points. It was frustrating to watch. She had to use her inhaler right after, she was having a hard time breathing. It was scary. She didn't get pinned, but the other girl had 2 points.

Way to go Lizzy!


New Year's Day

        For New Year's Day, we had some family over to play games. It was a lot of fun. I had got a few new to us games to try and they did not disappoint.

Uncle Joseph did a DnD like choose your own adventure game that they really liked.

We had a great time and good food. It was fun to spend the day together.


Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...