My trip was for 5 days in the parks so we had entirely too much fun and not enough sleep, but it was definitely a trip to remember. We resisted Kylo Ren, ate at the Brown Derby, and hid from the frequent squalls. All on the second day!
We ended the night watching Fantasmic, which was amazing.
The next day we tackled the Animal Kingdom. We started as before with Pandora followed by the safari. We enjoyed The Lion King. We met a new friend and finished the night trick-or-treating at Mikey's not-so-scary Halloween party.
Noda asked us who Valinda was since she had seen us the day before all over and saw our buttons. Turns out she was on her own visiting and she joined us on the safari and found us later for lunch. She was super sweet.
On the way out of the park, we spied this tick-tac-toe game and had fun playing.
We headed back to change into our costumes, our theme was sidekicks. We had our Loungeflys as a clue to our costumes.
Amy and I went on Small World while the others waited for the fireworks.
Here's my candy haul.
Our next day was Epcot, it was the food and wine festival, so we ate around the world. We learned the ways of water and met Mickey and Minnie. I ate way too much food! I did elect to go back early this day and convinced Barbra to use the hotel pool and hot tub. I missed souring over CA, but I have no regrets. Barbra went home early every night so it was nice having some downtime with her. She said I was the Ying to her Yang.
Barbra used this scooter and we affectionately named her Vicky. She was a big part of our trip. She carried all our water and various accouterments.
This type of gateway is called a Torii gate, our dear friend Torii was who got us all together so It was fitting to have one here to remember her.
See how dead I am?
The Ladies were shopping and I was just done, so at this point I said enough and headed back to the hotel.
Valinda had admired these bowls so we secretly bought them for her.
The last day was Magic Kingdom. While waiting for some of our numbers to caffeinate, We got a photo. We jungle cruised, met some ghosts, pirates, and princesses. Had dinner in the Castle at Cinderella's Royal Table and got kicked out of the park!

After leaving the park we went to Disney Springs to meet Jen and John Yeats, the creators of EPBOT!!!! Also to try my first Dole Whip. It was good. JEn and John were amazing and even agreed to make a polo for our Marco Polo group. We went to Salt and Straw, and I tried a few of their crazy flavors. It was a fun night.
I wore the sweatshirt my polo friend made for me and the Yeats loved it so I gushed about Laurie to them. I told her later and she was so excited. It was finally cool enough for a sweatshirt. It was a lovely way to end my trip. The next day we had a little time before flying out so we went to Orlando Studios to visit Toothsome Chocolate Emporium, the steampunk chocolate factory, and restaurant. Jen had brought this to my attention when they opened and I just had to go. I mean steampunk and chocolate?!? What is not to love! The Hard Rock Cafe was next door so I bought a pin to add to my collection. Here's my last view from our hotel: goodbye Disney World!
We took Valinda's things to her house, she had just gotten the moving truck that morning after a 6-month hiatus and I was envisioning my future.
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