Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Washington to Washington Days 14-15th

    Our next stop...Nauvoo! They had had a crazy storm a few days before and there was a massive cleanup going on. Trees were down everywhere. We took the road from Keokuk, and it was technically closed to through traffic due to all the cleanup, but I just kept going and no one told me no.  We got up there in time to get on the last wagon ride of the day. They have you sign up on an app, but it only lets you sign up to 5 people. To add more you need another device, which I did not have. It always astounds me how the church encourages large families and then doesn't accommodate them, but I digress. 

    I asked several missionaries what I should do to make sure we all got on and they all said, just ask at the wagon. Okay. So we had lunch and then I asked the teamsters. They were a little nervous since they had a large family signed up for that ride in addition to us, but it all worked out fine. 

Next, we visited the bakery. The kids liked the outhouse.

Then we learned all about how the pioneers lived and worked.

Making candles.

Making bread.

Making rope.

Making barrels.

   Devon insisted on making his barrel himself, even though it was designed for two people to do it. He made it, albeit a bit slower than the rest of us. Lastly, we made bricks.

   We stopped at the red brick store, but they were done with tours so we bought some rootbeer and a wagon pencil sharpener for Teddy. We had a nice sit down by the store while I told the kids about the history of the area. Then we headed up to the temple and got some fudge from the Fudge Factory to take to my friend.

My FoE friend was nice enough to put us up, but I got the days wrong. I had told her the 6-7th not the 5-6th because I didn't factor in nights when I made my plan. Duh. They were very accommodating and I insisted on getting them pizza from Casey's. My friend has raved about their pizza for years so I knew I had to try it. Her husband ordered and I went to pick it up, it turns out there are two on the same street so after making sure I was headed to the right one, I took off. This is when the weather turned. It was pleasant most of the day, but the minute I stepped outside it began pouring buckets! Luckily I had my raincoat in the car so that was okay. 

   The kids declared the pizza a hit and they even ate some for breakfast the next day. My friend has 4 kids around my kid's age so they had a blast playing. Poor Devon had a little trouble with his cat allergy, I had brought medicine for him but forgot to give it to him before we got there, it kicked in soon though. 

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