Tuesday, August 8, 2023

May Fun

Henry lost his first tooth, then he really lost it, he was running around with it and we have no idea where it went.

It looks like some bees have taken occupancy in our hive, I hope they thrive there.
Grandma came with us to Ag Day. The high school FFA put this event on every year for kids under 10. The Primary school comes over and we even had buses of kids from other towns come. It's a lot of fun.

This was Lizzy's booth, they had stickers and temp tattoos.
Henry could just barely lift this reindeer antler. 

The boys were good milkers.

   While there, I got the call I was waiting for from the Casino about Henry's preschool parent group receiving a grant. I was so excited that we got it that I had to tell Ellen, the site director, right away. I will have to go to Yakama to pick it up, but it's great news! I tried to get Henry to return to class, but he didn't want to. So I checked him out and we went to the monastery to get lunch. Grandma treated us to an amazing lunch and baklava. I guess Papa didn't remember going there before. They serve Greek food and it's so yummy.

The next day everyone had school off, so we went to see the historic locomotive in Wishram and the drive-through at Schreiner Farms. They have lots of exotic rescued animals and let guests drive through to see them. 

Devon for scale

  After we dropped everyone off at home, Daniel and I went to Parkdale, a tiny town south of Hood River, and stayed at the Old Parkdale Inn. This was our first overnighter without kids. It was so nice. Our rooms were lovely. There was a sitting room with a kitchenette as well as a bedroom. 

We even had a balcony! It was so pretty.

We walked up the street for some amazing BBQ.

I had the sampler, which consisted of ribs, pulled pork, and 2 sides. I chose parmesan garlic fries and cornbread salad. The salad was so fun. It had bacon, bell peppers, green onions, and a light dressing along with the cornbread. Daniel tried the pulled pork mac and cheese with pear coleslaw and spicy green beans.
The preschool had this plane and helicopter donated by the WAAAM. More about them later.

    We walked back and I worked some more on my talk for Sunday. I had it mostly done, but it was too short. I was averaging 10 min and needed 15. While I worked on that Daniel watched Dungeons And Dragons. I had seen it before and really enjoyed it. The next day we had a lovely breakfast and chatted with our fellow guests. Then we headed to the WAAAM (Western Antique Aeroplane and  Automotive Museum) It was massive and so cool! My favorite bit was when we learned about the Weasles. 
These babies can go over land, sand, snow, water, small trees, and bushes, nothing stands in their way! my new saying is "As the bird flies or the weasel drives." This thing is a beast. We watched the video about them twice because it was so fun. After our tour, we had lunch at a Mexican restaurant and then drove to Lost Lake. It was beautiful, but I wasn't prepared for it. I had messed up my knee a little bit before and hiking was not helpful. Plus they had snow still and I did not have good shoes. It was a gorgeous day though. 

It was a wonderful trip and I'm so glad we got to do it.

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