Saturday, April 29, 2023

April Photo Dump

 The FoE's have started "Waistcoat Wendesday" and Emily dressed to impress!

(Waistcoat is an antiquated tearm for vest.)

   Speaking of vests, Another fundraiser we did was pitures and I decided to do our family pic in vests. Most of the family had a grey vest already so in classic Sabrina dashion I decide this 2 hours before our scheduled tie. I of course did not have a vest, so I sewed one up. I didn't have time to do it properly, so I didn't line it and didn't even have the buttons done. I sewed it up and pinned it on. I hope it looks ok in the pictures. I did finish it properly later. Devon helped me cover the buttons. He liked doing that.
   Dad had given me fedex hats for the kids, and here they had picked out their favorites. Devon has worn his everyday since!

   I was invited to lunch with a sister in the ward who lives halfway between Goldendale and Roosevelt, to get to her house you drive through the wind turbines. It is so cool to see them up close. They are massive! It was a beautiful spring day and I loved the view. Lunch was wonderful. Terry used to live in Port Orchard and we had a lot in common, we chatted for over 2 hours and toured her gardens. It was lovely. 

Henry was hiding in the pillows and Teddy went to find him. 

Week of the Young Child

   Henry's preschool had a week of the young child. On Monday we walked downtown in a dinosaur parade. I had left my phone at home so I didn't get any pictures, but it hailed 10 minutes before the parade started and I was afraid that it would be canceled, but the weather cleared and we had a good turnout.  Tuesday we had our parent meeting and then math games with food.

  This is a bit out of order, but we finished the week with a spaghetti dinner at the Legion. It was our first real fundraiser and did pretty good. We had tons of leftovers. I had Charles, Devon, and Emily help out. They kept saying how much hard work it was, but they got many compliments from the guests. They served the water and cleared dishes. 

I made these examples for our upcoming Mother's Day Fundraiser.

We had a glow-in-the-dark dance party.

Henry won a prize bucket.  It was a very full week, but they had fun.

That's What I Call Fashion!

 The local Soroptimist Club had their annual tea party fundraiser and they were putting on a fashion show with vintage clothes and needed models. I asked Lizzy if she would like to do it and she was game. We went to Monkey Shines, the store hosting the show, and had fun trying on various clothes. She got to pick her three outfits and then on Saturday, she was part of the show.

She had a great time and said she would love to do it again.

Yuri's Night!

   Present me loves past me! Yuri's night crept up on me this year, but luckily I had been squirring away space things since last year so when I realized it was Yuri's night, I just had to pull things out and only needed to get the milkyways. Whew! This year we made solar system mobiles, and I had various coloring pages.

Hurray for Space exploration!

Spring Break

 I hadn't planned to go anywhere for spring break this year, but My Aunt's memorial was right during it so I asked the kids if they wanted to go. At first, it looked like I was just going down with Teddy,  but as the day to leave approached, Emily and Henry decided to join us. After the memorial, the adults and Teddy went out to Strap Tank for dinner. 

The food was amazing and the music was so fun! Teddy really loved dancing to it.
The strip mall where it is located is made up of storage containers and has really neat motorcycle art.

Then we went through a crazy car wash. It had a light show! 

      On Saturday listened to Papa play music and then we went to pioneer park for an Easter egg hunt. The time online said 2, but nothing was set up. we played anyway and at about 3, they had the hunt.  

  Afterward, we went to the mall for fun activities, I got to see where Theya works, (she works at Torrid) which was fun, then the kids really wanted to do the bouncy houses. It was a huge structure and I have to sign our lives away to get in, Mom and Dad didn't want to pay just to watch the kids so they went home to get dinner ready while I watched the craziness unfold. We got stamped and entered. I was putting our shoes in the appointed cubby when I turned around and Emily was gone. 

   It was a huge structure that encompassed the whole parking lot. It was super easy to lose kids. I helped several panicked parents. It's hard to get out of though so I wasn't really scared. I just kept looking for glimpses. Teddy really liked going down this huge slide and it took him a long time to crawl up it, but the people behind him were patient for the most part. 
   I finally coaxed them out with the promise of slushies. It was good timing too since they closed that part down right after we got ours. They ended up giving us an extra one because they thought Teddy hadn't received his yet. 

   I called for a ride as soon as we found a spot to enjoy our slushies. Mom and Dad found a great parking spot. So we headed back to their house to decorate eggs and have our own hunt.

Dinner was amazing and then the Easter Bunny made a visit the next morning.

We went to church and they had a wonderful musical presentation. Then we came back to change, pack up, and hit the road! Another fast and furious trip, but it was so nice.


Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...