Friday, February 3, 2023


  So I had been put in as the Friend's of the Goldendale Library secretary and that has been challenging, but fun. We are attached to the Fort Vancouver Regional Library system so headquarters are 2 hours away. It's great for lending a large selection of materials, but not so great for end-of-the-year meetings. And nearly everyone out here refuses to drive at night. So it was decided that we would have our own celebration with the Library department heads zooming in. Our fearless leader was bemoaning the fact that we didn't get to receive any gifts or anything for our meeting. (I guess that's a big part of the regional meeting.) So I offered to make a gift. This was 2 days before the meeting was to occur. I ran down to The Dalles and picked up some materials from the Dollar store. After some brainstorming this is what I came up with:

   Each bag had a gold star on the outside because in our meeting we joked about having a gold star would be enough. When I was in the store I found these star ornaments and I just knew I had to include them. Each book was a little different, but they all had the same thing inside, which I printed and put on the ribbon. They were well received and I felt it wasn't too shabby for a last-minute appreciation gift. 

In January I had another LARP session. This was a regency murder mystery. I was the murderer! I didn't find that out til the end, it was so funny.

Here my victim has succumbed to the poison placed in her tea. We are all suitably shocked!

   It was ever so much fun. We decided that we should mix a few of these in our rotation as they are shorter and easier for more people to join. We are going to have an informal meet-up on Sunday to discuss our future collaborations and get to know each other better since we usually meet in character.


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