Thursday, February 2, 2023


   Christmas was more subdued this year. We were all in and out of illness all break. We did get to go caroling around the neighborhood one night, so that was nice. We plated up 12 sets of goodies and loaded them on our sled. We got to more neighbors this year and that was fun. One was so surprised. We caught her just as she was coming home and she asked what we were doing. We replied that we were caroling and burst into song. She exclaimed, "Oh, you are caroling!" I love it when we make people smile. We decorated ugly sweaters this year.

I finally got on the matching pj bandwagon. Getting a decent picture proved too much for my skills.

  I love the quiet of Christmas eve. It is so soothing, the quiet anticipation. We don't put any presents out until Christmas eve after the kids go to bed. I love having this moment to reflect on each member of my family and what a year it has been. The words of Silent Night never sounds as true to me as when I am alone in the soft glow of the tree on Christmas eve. 

    As Christmas was on a Sunday we were asked to sing in sacrament meeting. We had practiced all month, but we had some snowfall and really icy roads so church was canceled. We spent a fun day at home, celebrating the Savior's birthday. 

The unwrapping!

Our fancy dinner!

It was a nice Christmas, I hope you had a good one as well!

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