Saturday, January 7, 2023


    This year Lizzy wanted to try her hand at sports. She decided to try soccer first. We went to all her home games, but she didn't get a lot of play time. She has decided to try for goalie next year as their goalie is graduating. She's number 28, see if you can spot her!

Picking her up from practice.

     We had some beautiful sunsets. The cheer squad gave the kids mustaches one game. I'm not sure why. The kids loved them though.

Mr. Longfellow takes pictures of the sporting events here and he took this shot of Lizzy:

The field is shared with the football team so the girls have to remove the goals after each game.
Lizzy supervised.

This was the end-of-season party. Their coach made amazing tacos and gave out awards.

    She had fun and is excited to do it again next season. She made a lot of friends, even some on opposing teams! I'm glad he stuck with it and tried something new.

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