Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Devon Turns 10

  To celebrate Devon's big day Daniel had taken Devon to DQ to order a cake a few days prior. They couldn't do what he wanted so he settled for a different cake, super easy decorations, and set the date and time to pick it up. It took the worker 3 tries to place the order. This did not bode well for the cake...

  When Daniel went to pick the cake up, (it was supposed to be ready at 11). He got there, No Cake!  He talked to the manager and he said to come back in 2 hours. He did and they had it ready. There was some sort of mixup, they had the cake the day before, but it wasn't in the freezer when Daniel went to pick it up.  Devon wanted to go to the movies for his birthday, so we headed to The Dalles and saw Strange Worlds. We were the only ones in the theater so that was fun. Lizzy was at a tournament so we got the call that they were on their way home as we were leaving the Dalles. Since we knew we would be a little late I called a neighbor to pick her up. She was happy to do so.  We got home about 20 mins later.

Happy birthday Devon! 

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