So as I had mentioned before, our trip to Utah for the fourth had been canceled, that is until Jessica called me. They were planning their move back East and were going to stop by us on their way to UT and celebrate the fourth down there. The more I thought about it the more I realized that this might be the last opportunity to have all my family together for a long time. So we decided to make the whirlwind trip. Which was nice, because the Martins couldn't stop by us anyway. We saw the kids play on the 2nd and drove down the 3rd and back on the 5th. Whew! It was crazy, but fun.
The first stop was Chuck-A-Rama for a feast.

Next, the girls went to Fish Kiss to get a little pampering.
Getting prepped.
It's Dinner Time!!!
The fish went after Jessica like crazy, I had like 3 fish for the first five minutes. They finally relented and decided I had skin worth eating too. It was weird, but fun.
Final rinse and lotioning.
Fresh feet!
Next stop, Macy's for ice cream!
We had so much fun hanging out with everyone.
In the evening we walked to a neighbor's house for dinner and fireworks.
We had to go back for chairs.
We ended up leaving before the fireworks because we were so tired. I was getting cranky. We saw plenty at the house. The rest of the group joined us shortly thereafter because they were getting rained on by fireworks debris. It was a late night, and we had to head home in the morning.
We stopped to say goodbye in the morning. I wish we had more time.
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