Thursday, May 12, 2022


 January paraded about like Elsa just let it go. So what else can you do when you are snowed in, but have a spa day!

The boys made a fort.

Devon had some apple cider and the top made a heart. He was super excited!

Teddy learned how open everything. He loves getting into the drawers and emptying them out.

We celebrated Dia de Los Reyes on Jan 6. I lucked out and found a cake at Costco!
Emily found the baby Jesus.
Teddy wasn't sure if he liked the cake or not.

I spy a little baby butt!
I kept Henry busy with colored vinegar and baking soda, Daniel walked by and declared it a Mom activity and promptly left. Ha!

Henry was a big helper shoveling the driveway. He was excited to get ready for the grandparent's visit!

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