Thursday, May 12, 2022



  Occasionally BYU sends their various groups out into the wilderness for us poor souls to witness. In Bremerton we got dancers, here we get Noteworthy.  The YW were invited to go to the Dalles to see their performance. I went along too. It was fun. We got a little lost on the way but didn't miss anything. 

Here's their Amazing Grace video:

  They made a ton of costume changes and had quite the mix of music, I ended up buying 2 CDs and they signed them for us. They were so nice to everyone. The lady who beatboxes just started doing it like 2 months before. She was my favorite. 

Valentine's Day

       This year I got the kids each a balloon in addition to my usual chocolate heart at the dollar store, they were a big hit!

Devon really went all out on his valentine's box. He made a horned red tiger.
The kids decorated our heart cake.


School Time

   Lizzy asked Daniel to come to her class to speak about his job for the PUD. Lizzy interviewed him and they put a video together. Daniel made a Prezi presentation and Mrs. Krieg snapped a few pics.

Lizzy has been working hard with the FFA. They learned all about composting and growing plants. The middle school has a huge greenhouse. They do a big plant sale in May, it's their biggest fundraiser.

Making Valentine gifts.
We all helped to make dog toys to donate.

Party time!

 Charles was ordained to the priesthood in January and my parents got to come for it. Luckily my Dad had fulfilled his lifelong dream and bought a truck, so they could drive in the snow!

I got creative with pie. This was my first lattice, it looks okay. It was fun to play with.
Henry made a tower out of puddings.

Playing around.

Grandma is very talented!


 January paraded about like Elsa just let it go. So what else can you do when you are snowed in, but have a spa day!

The boys made a fort.

Devon had some apple cider and the top made a heart. He was super excited!

Teddy learned how open everything. He loves getting into the drawers and emptying them out.

We celebrated Dia de Los Reyes on Jan 6. I lucked out and found a cake at Costco!
Emily found the baby Jesus.
Teddy wasn't sure if he liked the cake or not.

I spy a little baby butt!
I kept Henry busy with colored vinegar and baking soda, Daniel walked by and declared it a Mom activity and promptly left. Ha!

Henry was a big helper shoveling the driveway. He was excited to get ready for the grandparent's visit!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...