Tuesday, January 4, 2022


  This fall has really been an extension of summer. It's been 70 degrees and gorgeous. The kids liked the extra playtime.

  Since Halloween was on Sunday I asked the Bishop if we could do a trunk-or-treat. The town was doing one on Sunday, but I wanted to avoid that. So I made flyers and Facebook blasted it and we had a decent turnout. We set up two stations and another family set up 3 so I think there were 7 families all together who passed out candy. We even had non-members show up and several less actives so I'd call it a success!

Captain America


Teddy was the cutest pumpkin in the patch!

Devon was a fawness, wolf type.

For school dress up Lizzy was an original steampunk character.

Emily is an airforce pilot

Charles is a Big Dill

Charles ran for class representative and he won!

Lizzy designed his Vote for Chuck Shirt. 

Working on her school project.

We broke out the high chair. Teddy is getting so big!

Fall at the Temple

Making caramel apples

Mobile COVID testing
  The kids were having allergies with colds so we had to have them tested before they could return to school.
Getting his first teeth

 Daniel and Teddy and I went to Gee's restaurant for a date. It was fun.

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