Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Random Goodness

 The trouble about being the oldest is that you are called upon to watch your siblings from time to time...

It is exhausting work!

    We got to have Amy and her family visit us for the weekend and it was so fun! They taught us how to play Wingspan and Cascadia. Steve played for us, which was amazing, and we went swimming.

While they went sightseeing, we went to our ward pioneer day activity.

Making icecream

We couldn't keep the kids off of Steve! Poor guy, he was a trooper.

My friend challenged me to try Sunday Bounding. Bounding is dressing like a character but more of a nod rather than a true copy. Here are my contributions:
Wonder woman
Carl from UP
Black widow

It was fun trying to be creative with my wardrobe. I need more color, Ha.

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