Friday, June 18, 2021

Celebrating Yuri

 My brother asked if they could come up for a quick visit and we were thrilled to host them. What made it even more special is they were coming during Yuri's night! Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space. Each year there is a celebration of all things space-related on April 12. Daniel had been telling me about it for years, but we never really did anything about it. But with my science-loving brother and sister-in-law coming I knew I had to do something special! It was surprisingly difficult to locate space-themed things in April. 

 We had a nice visit, it was so good to catch up. I am terrible about calling my relations. I love talking to them, but I never seem to pick up the phone. We had a great time, and the kids had a blast. We did rocket races.

And made space scenes.

It was so fun, I can't wait to do it next year! 

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