Thursday, March 18, 2021

Getting Settled

    Charles has wanted to expand his palate. He has been asking for months for seafood. A while ago he realized that he likes salmon, all the kids do except Devon. Now he was interested in mussels. I got a real good seafood mix from Costco and we had a few different dishes. I started with paella because it's one of my favorites, but I didn't get a picture. Next we tried a cream sauce over noodles.
This one was a garlic soup, I really liked it.

He seemed to enjoy them, not so much the mussels, he really liked the calamari though.

We made our own plates of metal for Come Follow me.

Lizzy has been decorating the pavement.

We got the kids some play equipment for Christmas. A trampoline and play structure. The neighbor boys have really appreciated them. 
   We ordered a huge table from an Amish furniture place. It extends to seat 20 comfortably. We have a combination of chairs and benches, unfortunately, when it arrived, the table legs were nowhere to be found. The poor delivery man was baffled. So Daniel put the benches together to look like a table. This didn't last though, we had already moved our old table downstairs, it's the game table now, so Daniel brought up our folding tables to use until our real table could be set up. We were missing 2 leaves for the table too. The delivery man said this was the biggest table he's ever delivered. They had to come back twice with the missing parts. 

  A bigger house means more furniture, we got this couch to have more seating upstairs. I still need to figure out what to do downstairs.  I was excited to find this rug too, it matches everything perfectly.
Fighting the snow with a water gun.
We got a rug to brighten up the downstairs. Henry likes jumping into a pile of blankets down there.
   My craft room is coming along. I got this giant drip pan that Daniel attached to the wall so the kids can draw and display art. Henry really likes to use the dry erase markers, I really like how it keeps him busy.


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