Saturday, March 6, 2021

Devon's Birthday and Baptism

 Devon turned 8 and was able to have his baptism the next day! Due to the pandemic, we knew we could broadcast it, so we didn't expect anyone to come for it. We got a wonderful surprise when Grandma and Grandpa Bartholomew flew up to share this experience with us.  It was so nice to have them here. 

We got some snow and the kids loved playing in it.
   Devon decided that he wanted an ice cream cake for his birthday, I took him to DQ to see if they could help us out. They were so happy to aid us. Devon was wearing his Mario character shirt and the lady asked him which was his favorite character, he said, "The brick wall." We died. He picked out a cake and I treated him to a banana split. He kept telling the workers that the last time he got one they didn't give him a spoon and he had to eat it with just his mouth. We made sure he got a spoon this time!

    For his baptism, Devon asked Lizzy to do the talk and Charles to be one of his witnesses. Charles was quite nervous. He did great though! Lizzy's talk was wonderful. His other witness was Sister Bischoff, she is one of the few members that Devon knew because she is their school librarian. She was so excited that he asked her. 

   Devon did make it hard on Daniel, he kept trying to get under the water before he was supposed to. Daniel had to keep pulling him up. At least 3 times he tried to dunk himself! He managed to get it done right though! Unfortunately, we had trouble with the live stream. Most didn't get to hear Lizzy's talk.
Grandma had embroidered a towel for Devon with his name and the date.

Turkeys in the snow!
We had a gingerbread contest and the Grandparents had to judge.

Charles didn't want to participate.

Then we had a concert of sorts, mostly the kids made noise while we tried to talk.

All dressed up for church!
Daniel and I had to speak in scarament meeting so that was fun.

The following day was Santa Lucia and I was excited to share it with my in-laws. 
Lizzy relished waking the boys up!

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