Wednesday, January 8, 2020

This is Halloween!

This year the boys wanted to be Harry Potter, but then Charles broke his wand so he was content to be Ron Weasley. Lizzy was her own creation: a part person part wolf creature. She designed and constructed her outfit all by herself, except for the cape I made her previously. I am so proud of her. She sees what she wants and just goes for it! Emily was an astronaut until a friend gave us Merida's costume and then she had to wear that. And finally, Henry was a lowkey Batman. He wouldn't tolerate a full costume so we went with something comfortable.
 We had a great time carving pumpkins. The kids each designed and then did most of the carving themselves.

I made my traditional stuffed pumpkin.
 Lizzy got to perform in her school concert. She played bass on Old Town Road. Then danced as a Zombie. Here's her Zombie look:

She's on the far left second row. There was a ton of kids participating. It was fun.

She also got to decorate a violin for a school project.  

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