Monday, September 30, 2019

Updates, Because I'm late.

Buckel up for a montage of updates! Or you know...skim or move on. Whatever works for you. Let's begin with Cinco de Mayo! We invited a family over for dinner to help us celebrate. We had tamales and floutas with all the trimmings and of course a pinata!

It was so fun!
Then Devon had me come to breakfast at the school for Muffins with Moms. It was fun to spend time with him. 

 Here's some cute Jellyfish!

For mother's day, we went up to Bremerton to spend the weekend with my parents. We had lunch at a cute little diner in Pouslbo and then went to the aquarium where we saw a very active octopus. It was so fun playing.

For Memorial day we went down to the bandstand on officer's row and participated in their service. They had a flag raising, speeches, and reenactors there. They even served us lunch. It was much bigger then our first year going.

 They shot off this cannon 3 times. The kids loved that bit.

I will stop there because next is our trip to Oakland.

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