Friday, June 14, 2019

Springing to Easter

We were egged! Some kind souls layed Easter eggs for our family. 

Emily had to give blood for a lead teat for school. She was super happy until the needle hit. She took it like a champ though!
Our local park does a fishing derby each year. The kids love going and I love that they get some experience without too much effort.

Lizzy's class studied monarch butterflies and then made these beautiful butterflies that were showcased at the library. Her's is right above her head. 

 We went to see the tulip gardens and the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens. The day was a bit drizzly, but it was so gorgeous!

 Every year for the last 3 or so, we go to the local Methodist church for their annual Easter celebration and hunt. I really like it. They have a short sermon before releasing the kids.  A small section for younger kids and a bigger section for the older ones.

 This year they also had cookie decorating and a stuffed animal for each child.

 Preparing the Easter baskets.

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