Friday, June 14, 2019

January and Beyond.

   In January we were ready to transition Henry into his own bed. Alas, we needed to provide said bed. Daniel found this rather perfect one on Walmart online so we took down the old captain bed and put up this new triple bunk. The boys love it and it really opens up the room.

 We needed to replace the dressers so Daniel came up with this option.  The kids liked helping Daddy out.

Daniel took the girls to a father-daughter dance at the Pearson Air Museum. He took Lizzy last year too. They always have a blast. It was hard with both girls though. Next year I think I will split them up. They offer an afternoon and evening dance. 

 Daniel is working on a Gallifreyan design for me. 

 And I finally took him to experience C’est La Vie A lovely french creperie and bistro. They are only open for breakfast and lunch so I had not been able to get him over there. We have been raving about it for a year now. Needless to say, he enjoyed it immensely.

As did I! I mean, behold!
To finish up February

 we took the kids to the Zoo and the gristmill.

We had a lovely time! 

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