Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Baptism and Birthdays

Charles chose to be baptized on the 1st of Dec.

   It was quite memorable as Daniel took his phone into the font with them and Charles kept making faces at himself in the reflection of the glass during the talks. Alas. I know he appreciated all the work his cousins put into doing the talks and prayers. Dad has us do a primary song sing-a-long while the guys were changing. It was so sweet. 
 Next we celebrated Devon's and my birthdays. This year, as frequently happens here, we had our ward party on my birthday and everyone was required to bring a dessert. This was my contribution:

The kids had fun in the program. 

Charles was given a bow sans arrows as a prop. He proceeded to shoot everyone, including himself!

For Devon's birthday he really wanted a hello kitty ice cream cake. He had been eyeing it at the store all year, when I went to go get it they had been discontinued! I asked the bakery if they would put something on one of the other ice cream cakes, but they couldn't. They did give me a bunch of Hello kitty rings though, so that was great. I tried to do a frosting transfer, but it only half turned out. 

Devon is so excited to be 6!

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