Saturday, November 3, 2018

School Days

   I realized that I haven't posted since this summer, I feel the shame! So I will inundate you with our school shenanigans! I know you have been waiting for these. (wink, wink) 

First off our first day of school was postponed. We were not sure how long, all of the school districts were up for contract negotiations and the teachers went on strike.  Devon still went to the Kindergarten round-up. Which is a week long preschool for new kinders a few weeks before school starts. He found out that he was having Mrs. Thomas as his teacher. Both Lizzy and Charles had her and she is an amazing teacher.

  He had a great time and was so ready for school to beginning for real, I was too! Finally the district and the unions came to an agreement and we were only a week late. Battle Ground was nearly a month late! Everyone was a bit stir crazy. Here they go on their first day!
5th, 2nd, and Kindergarten

Off they go! I remember when Lizzy left on the bus for kindergarten and oh, how Charles had cried! He had to eat a pickle to console himself, poor thing. Now I have three in school, it is so crazy.  Lizzy decided to take orchestra this year so she goes to the middle school twice a week to play the cello. Emily started speech therapy, we go once a week to the school for that, and I even got to volunteer yesterday to be a helper in Devon's class. It was so fun. I really like our school and it's been fun getting to know the community through it. Next year Lizzy will be in the middle school so we will have to learn what that entails....Til then!

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