Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Rocking the Con

   I have been preparing for the Rose City Comic Con for almost year now. I wanted us to be the Odd Squad.Odd Squad is a PBS kids show about math, it’s a kid run agency fighting off oddness. I think the show is delightful and my kids really like it so I felt this was the perfect time to go all out! I ordered jackets and shoes, made pins, ids and badges. It was so fun.
  The day finally arrived and we set out in all our glory!

Unfortunately this is the best picture of my costume. I'm a scientist. Here we are waiting to see David Tennant He was the 10th doctor in Doctor Who among other things. He was great answering questions and it was a delightful panel. Now for some eye candy!


Playing Quiddich
There were so many great cosplay and activities! We had to wait forever to eat lunch, but the kids did awesome! We missed going to Alex Kingston's panel due to their scheduling errors, but all in all it was a great day and I look forward to going again.


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