Monday, September 10, 2018

Cast Your Mind Back

 Charles had his first big break, during an unfortunate zip line accident, he fell and broke his elbow. It was at our local park during a Mommy and me meet up. He had successfully jumped unto the zip line 3 times and the one time I turn my back... disaster! We had been having a great time until then.

Fortunately Daniel was told to go home early, (it was on July 3 and most of the crew was off for the holiday anyway) so he was able to take Charles to the emergency room. He came back a few hours later splinted and slung. I had to take him back in 3 days to get a real cast. They were worried about the break so they casted over his splint. I had never seen that before. Well in truth this is all new to me. 
Here he's getting prepped for the cast. He wanted black and white to represent a zebra, (currently his favorite animal) but they didn't have white as an option. So he chose black and pink.

 The crew waiting patiently.

We had it x-rayed and recast 10 days later and now he's sporting a waterproof cast. It should be named a water cast since it must be watered everyday or the material will stick to his skin. It's so fun pouring water down it. Here he's getting the old cast removed:

He was finally cleared and now can stop telling everyone that his arm is broken!

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