Thursday, June 21, 2018

Using All My Fingers...

I finally have a child in the double digits! Lizzy has spent a decade going around the Sun. That's pretty spectacular if you ask me. We had a quiet birthday. Lizzy wanted a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake, which was surprisingly difficult to locate. So I made brownies and put the ice cream on top and drizzled fudge to top it off. Our friends the McCalls and the Elders came by.
It was a glorious mess, but hard to cut. Everyone enjoyed it though. On Saturday we went to Incredibles 2. I really liked the movie, but Devon had a hard time with it. He left the theater at one point! That was fun. I will be happy when it comes out on video so I can watch it all. Or maybe I'll just go to the theater by myself... hmmm... 
 Ahem, where was I? Oh yes, birthday . right. So here's Lizzy opening her gifts. The kids got her each a shopkin blind bag so she had fun finding out what they were. Daniel and I got her a jewelry kit, (she's already made 4 bracelets and a necklace) and she was excited to get her American Girl doll Julie. I was surprised when she asked for her because I thought she might like one that looked like her, but I realized that she does look like the doll. She is so happy to have her. 

Here's some sweet pictures of them playing together.

It's been a great decade.

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