Thursday, June 21, 2018

Now What?

School is over! Yay, we even had some sunshine so I put the sprinkler on and let the kids play. Little did I know how disastrous this would be. Exhibit A:

That's right, first black eye of the summer. Huzzah. Poor Devon has had a rough week. He had a bloody nose at church, knocked his head twice while playing Ninja and now this. I hope the worst is over. Fingers crossed!

Summer Time

To kick off summer vacation we visited Frenchman's Bar with some friends. It was a beautiful day and we had a great spot. Devon and Lizzy got a little too far out and got scared, Devon felt certain he had drowned. Then a bunch of bikini clad teens showed up and were having races to go into the water. Devon joined them, but there was one girl who refused to go in the cold water. They did three different races until everyone but this girl went in. Finally Devon pushed her into the river! It was hilarious, but not the best method. Next Devon ran off to launch some one's kayak! I had to race down to him to stop him! The owner was just standing back and watching. While I still feel a little sandblasted, we had a good time and I am glad to have found a new spot so close. It's right next to Daniel's work.

 Devon got skittled! Wet hands + skittles.

 Henry got tuckered out

Using All My Fingers...

I finally have a child in the double digits! Lizzy has spent a decade going around the Sun. That's pretty spectacular if you ask me. We had a quiet birthday. Lizzy wanted a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake, which was surprisingly difficult to locate. So I made brownies and put the ice cream on top and drizzled fudge to top it off. Our friends the McCalls and the Elders came by.
It was a glorious mess, but hard to cut. Everyone enjoyed it though. On Saturday we went to Incredibles 2. I really liked the movie, but Devon had a hard time with it. He left the theater at one point! That was fun. I will be happy when it comes out on video so I can watch it all. Or maybe I'll just go to the theater by myself... hmmm... 
 Ahem, where was I? Oh yes, birthday . right. So here's Lizzy opening her gifts. The kids got her each a shopkin blind bag so she had fun finding out what they were. Daniel and I got her a jewelry kit, (she's already made 4 bracelets and a necklace) and she was excited to get her American Girl doll Julie. I was surprised when she asked for her because I thought she might like one that looked like her, but I realized that she does look like the doll. She is so happy to have her. 

Here's some sweet pictures of them playing together.

It's been a great decade.

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...