My Grandma turned 90 this Aug. So naturally we had a party! My Aunt Cheryl headed up the event and it was so much fun. We floated in the famous Great Salt Lake. I lived in Utah for 8 years and never once ventured near it's fabled shores. I had heard the horror stories of yore! Fortunately the tales were a bit exaggerated. While not the most pleasant of places it was worth the experience.

Aunt Erma was the MC and she sang "Ain't She Sweet" to Grandma to kick off the festivities.
Uncle Matt had us each make a memory book page for Grandma. We each presented our page. I admit I got quite emotional as I recalled our adventures.
Sal had Benjamin Clyde blessed on Sunday and then we went to Aunt Cheryl's for lunch. Amie taught us how to make spring rolls and it was so nice to talk with everyone.
It was a fun trip and I was so glad to be able to celebrate with my family!
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