Monday, December 28, 2015

Happy Holidays!

Charles asked for a strawberry cake for his 5th birthday. This was what I came up with, 
He helped me make it which is starting to become the tradition. We had a nice quiet birthday at home. Here's the plane Lizzy designed and sewed for him. It is affectionately known as the "Duck plane."

All he really wanted was to play with his cousins. Luckily we usually get together around his birthday. We had a wonderful time celebrating with the Martins for Thanksgiving.

It was a nice break and Charles got to celebrate his birthday with Junon and Sean. He'd been asking to have them come over to do his pinata for weeks.We played in the park and caught up on each other's lives. It was a great weekend. We had sushi again and the girls are getting really good at rolling them Rex has taught them well! Here's Jessica preparing the rice.

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