Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Two Months!

I am the worst at remembering dates, especially weeks. As in, how many weeks old my daughter is. I am much better with months. I like to think that I am more of a big picture gal, but it's mostly that the days all run together for me. But I digress.. Ah yes, Emily is officially two months old now! Some times I wonder how we got from here....

To here, all ready for her first appearance at church.

To here, doing tummy time.

To here, her blessing day.

To here, an outing in the park.

To here, looking pretty in pink.

Emily is such a content child. She loves to observe her siblings and is already a performer. At her 2 month check up she held her head up like a champ and then rolled over and even tried to take a few steps. Much to the shock of the doctor.  I don't foresee her slowing down anytime soon.

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