Thursday, September 10, 2015

How's your morning?

                Charles erroneously went to school today. He doesn’t officially start until October, but I was notified by transportation that the bus was coming for him today. I dutifully got him ready and away he went. This left us a mere 5 minutes to get Lizzy out of the house to meet her bus. I picked out some clothes for Devon and gave him instructions to put them on. I secured Emily and then Lizzy and I went outside to meet the bus. Lizzy walks most of the way herself. I stay in the yard where I can see her and feed the chickens. A few minutes later Devon comes out holding his clothes and not wearing any pants. I inform him that this is not appropriate and instruct him to return to the house to dress.

                I resumed watering the garden, when he again returns in the same condition. I reiterate how he needs to be dressed to be outside. I think that he has listened and so I finish my tasks and head inside only to discover that he has thrown his clothes in the dirt and was using the hood of the car as his personal slide! I finally convince him to enter the house with me. I sent him in to clean himself since he was covered in dirt. It takes him another 20 miniutes dress himself. I checked on the bathroom to find it sprinkled with globs of soap. Devon tried to help me wipe it up. Fully clothed, we ventured to the grocery store and I realize that I can hardly see out of the windshield. I’m not sure what he smeared all over it, but it resembles soap. Our outing ended with a trip to the car wash which I think was his plan all along. This kid loves the car wash. We returned home in time to get Charles off the bus. He won’t be going on it again.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Two Months!

I am the worst at remembering dates, especially weeks. As in, how many weeks old my daughter is. I am much better with months. I like to think that I am more of a big picture gal, but it's mostly that the days all run together for me. But I digress.. Ah yes, Emily is officially two months old now! Some times I wonder how we got from here....

To here, all ready for her first appearance at church.

To here, doing tummy time.

To here, her blessing day.

To here, an outing in the park.

To here, looking pretty in pink.

Emily is such a content child. She loves to observe her siblings and is already a performer. At her 2 month check up she held her head up like a champ and then rolled over and even tried to take a few steps. Much to the shock of the doctor.  I don't foresee her slowing down anytime soon.

Monday, September 7, 2015


We had our last Pathway meeting on July 27th and to celebrate, families were invited and we had a dessert potluck afterwards. It was bitter sweet, I have really enjoyed learning and being with this group of amazing students. I miss getting together with them every Thursday. 

Alderbrook Park

For a final summer fling a bunch of us went to Alderbrook Park. It's a private park about 30 min. from us that has it all. Fields for games and horse shoe pits, volleyball, a train, bouncy houses, a pirate ship, paddle boats, mini golf, a pool and play equipment. Lizzy's favorite part though, was the pink lemonade fountains.

We had a great time playing and I can't wait to go back. When Daniel took them over to the paddle boats Devon ripped off his shirt and I yelled, "Keep your shirt on!" I think that was the first time I said that and meant it literally.

Fun Stuff

The Martins came to visit and help with the "Harvest"as we call it. This year had been so warm though that most of our produce was already gone. Even the blackberries were mostly done. So we had some fun playing at Klineline Pond. I had been wanting to go down there for some time, and this was a great day to do it. It was topping 100 degrees, splashing was definitely needed.
It was a fun visit.

Growing Up

We noticed that the kids were almost equally spaced in height. It is amazing to realize just how fast they are growing up. September started bringing with it the first days of school. 
Charles will start next month as his school is being remodeled. We are excited to see what they learn this year.

After school we went to a friend's house for a Smart Cookie party. We brought cookies and played. It was fun and we're planing on making it an annual thing.


We were privileged to have Emily blessed on August 2nd. It was fun having both sets of grand parents and the Martins over to help us celebrate.
Emily did great, I had to nurse her almost up until it was time for the blessing, but we made it! Her blessing was very sweet and I look forward to seeing her claim the blessings that have been pronounced upon her head.

Here are the brothers, looking so cute!

Daily Dose of Devon

                This morning, to appease the masses who were fighting over a single blanket (even though we have at least two dozen blankets of various size easily accessible to all) I made flapjacks. We had just settled in to commence the meal, when it was discovered that Devon had once again in his possession the coveted binky.  Charles promptly ripped it from his mouth and threw it across the living room.  Devon dissolved under the table in a heap and we continued our meal, occasionally avoiding Devon as he attacked our toes. 
                After the meal was finished I left to nurse Emily as her patience had at last run out. While everyone had stepped away from the table to return to various activities, Devon decided now was the time to act! He got himself a flapjack and proceeded to get it ready. That’s when he noticed the butter dish. Ahh, the butter dish, I don’t know what it is about this unassuming piece of crockery that attracts children so powerfully, but each child has had at least one episode with the dish. Today the pull of the butter was too strong for Devon and he proceeded to cover his plate with the remains of the butter, about a third of a cup. Next he realized that any artist needs another color to make their masterpiece complete so he assessed his options and turned to his old friend milk.
                He dumped his cup of milk cheerfully over his plate and mixed with abandon. It was at this moment that he noticed the floor. The poor neglected floor, how much better it would look with a golden gloss. He began to help the floor regain its perky color with copious amounts of butter.  It was dutifully filled into every nook and cranny. The joys of hard wood floors.  At this point he decided to share his masterpiece, he came to get me.

                I was nursing in the dim light of my bedroom so when Devon entered and proudly displayed his hands I could not readily determine what they were coated with. I laid Emily down and followed him out of the room and soon took in the full impact of Devon’s masterpiece. As I can be extremely eloquent when startled, I exclaimed, “Is that butter?” To which my proud two-year old nodded enthusiastically.  “Oh, is that all butter?” Like I said, eloquent. So I commenced cleaning it up and sent Devon to change his clothes since they too burnished the golden goodness.  Just a regular morning at the Bartholomews.

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...