Wednesday, May 7, 2014


So Easter. We did what is, I hope, our tradition of going to the Mason's breakfast and egg hunt. We went last year and it was a blast! This year we went with confidence, we went later so that the kids didn't have to wait so long before the hunt began. We saw the Easter Bunny. It was pointed out repeatedly that he was wearing shoes.(Thanks random girl who notices, now Lizzy can't stop telling me)


Then we went to the Life of Christ event. The Stake puts it on. It takes months of work and coordination. There are Choirs and vingettes and live actors doing reenactments from Jesus' life. I didn't get any pictures of the exhibit, but it was beautiful. The link has a few pictures you can peruse. I was a helper in the children's room on Sat night. I got to tell stories from the life of Jesus. It was really fun.

Here Charles is building a temple. I want a set of these blocks. The angel Moroni  is so cool!

Then we colored Easter eggs. I wasn't sure how they would turn out with the brown eggs, but they looked pretty good if I do say so myself.

They tasted good too!

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