Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Surprise Visit

 So a day or so after Christmas I was excited to learn that My sister was coming down for the weekend. That is always a fun time. So we cleaned up all the decorations and awaited their arrival. We first went to the art walk and watched the glass blowers at Firehouse Glass They let anyone with past experience come down and work on the first Friday. So there were lots of people willing to tell you about blowing glass.
 Then we went to a few other art galleries where we found this gem: 
Anyone thirsty? It's only $2000. At another gallery I just could pass up this beautiful Jug.
Then at our final destination of the night we talked to this gentleman who was playing the violin and he informed us of the difference between the fiddle, fiddle style and a violin. He was very humerus.

 Saturday we went to OMSI to see the Sherlock Holmes Experience. Where we helped Sherlock by doing experiments and making deductions. It was very informative and entertaining.
And just because he's cute here's Charles:

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