Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Surprise Visit

 So a day or so after Christmas I was excited to learn that My sister was coming down for the weekend. That is always a fun time. So we cleaned up all the decorations and awaited their arrival. We first went to the art walk and watched the glass blowers at Firehouse Glass They let anyone with past experience come down and work on the first Friday. So there were lots of people willing to tell you about blowing glass.
 Then we went to a few other art galleries where we found this gem: 
Anyone thirsty? It's only $2000. At another gallery I just could pass up this beautiful Jug.
Then at our final destination of the night we talked to this gentleman who was playing the violin and he informed us of the difference between the fiddle, fiddle style and a violin. He was very humerus.

 Saturday we went to OMSI to see the Sherlock Holmes Experience. Where we helped Sherlock by doing experiments and making deductions. It was very informative and entertaining.
And just because he's cute here's Charles:

A Lot Like Christmas

When I was little my family and I went out to a tree farm and then Faye's Cafe to cut down our Christmas tree. I have such fond memories of picking out the perfect tree. Sometimes Dad would have to wrestle it down, but there is something magical about walking in a forest at Christmas time. My own attempts to recreate this magical event for my children have been largely unsuccessful. Then as I was perusing the paper what to my wandering eye should appear, but a little ad about Horse Haven Farms and how the tree proceeds go to helping the animals. They have a bouncy house and a train ride along with a petting zoo and a pony ride. It sounded perfect. So I convinced Daniel and away we went!
 It was fun. The kids loved feeding and petting the animals and I loved hearing about their farm. The trees were varied and beautiful.

Here's Lizzy putting the finishing touches on our tree.

It snowed the next day. Just enough to dazzle the eyes.

Then we went to our ward party where Both Daniel and Lizzy performed.
Met Santa at Home Depot.
Celebrated My birthday in style:
 And went to the Fort for their Christmas festivities: 
Later Daniel and I went on a Lantern Tour which I highly recommend! I learned so much!
We had the privilege of hosting my parents for Christmas. We went down to the Portland Temple visitor center, went to see the lights and made sugar cookies.

Here's a great action shot of Christmas Day:
 Poor Grandma was constantly dodging things. We received a wonderful gift: cousin's snowball fight. There was a snowball for each cousin on the Bartholomew side. It is so fun to play with.
It was an excellent Christmas!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...