Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Martin Visit

We were privileged to have the Martins finally visit our new house. It was a fun weekend. We went down to OMSI and had a blast there. Then we were trying to go to The Old Wives Tales a supposedly nearby restaurant that had a family fun room, but my new phone's gps took us way out of the way so we ended up going to Ikea instead to pick up a few things like our new guest bed! Lizzy has graciously agreed to vacating for any guest. Her bed extends to a king size. We just ordered new bedding too, I am so excited! Anyway so we ate some Swedish meatballs and ice cream then headed home. Someday I would like to go there though. (If I can ever find the place that is.) Daniel, Charly and Taylor put the bed together while the rest of us got ready for bed. Jessica tried out the bed and declared it good! Oh yeah. The next day we went to the Vancouver Recycle Fare and checked out the amazing creations.  I especially liked the metal dragon.
From Martin trip
Afterwards we headed back to pack every thing up. The Martins left us for the North and we headed East to Utah, but that is a trip for another post. Stay tuned!

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